Friends of Reed School (FoRS) is the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) for Reed First School, and functions as a registered charity. FoRS has been established for over 20 years and has done much via fundraising to support the children who attend Reed First School and enhance their learning experience.Over the last couple of years we have hosted:- Summer Fayres- Christmas Markets- Tuck shops- Bake sales- Pumpkin Competitions- Christmas shoppe- Christmas Discos- Movie nights- We have also held stalls at The Strawberry Tea at Reed Church and Barkway market.Our fundraising has helped to support the school and its pupils by helping to cover the cost for:- In school workshops.- School trips and transport.- Pantomimes.- Play equipment.- Leavers’ gifts.- New family gift bags.As parents and carers we feel incredibly lucky to be an active part of our school community. We all want to see our children thrive and as Friends of Reed School, we work together as a team to host events both big and small to ensure we can offer help where we can financially to enable our children to have access to as many opportunities as possible. We may be small, but we are mighty!If you feel you can help support FoRS in any way, please email, or contact Jade on 07557881071.
Friends of Reed School (FoRS) is the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) for Reed First School, and functions as a registered charity. FoRS has been established for over 20 years and has done much via fundraising to support the children who attend Reed First School and enhance their learning experience.Over the last couple of years we have hosted:- Summer Fayres- Christmas Markets- Tuck shops- Bake sales- Pumpkin Competitions- Christmas shoppe- Christmas Discos- Movie nights- We have also held stalls at The Strawberry Tea at Reed Church and Barkway market.Our fundraising has helped to support the school and its pupils by helping to cover the cost for:- In school workshops.- School trips and transport.- Pantomimes.- Play equipment.- Leavers’ gifts.- New family gift bags.As parents and carers we feel incredibly lucky to be an active part of our school community. We all want to see our children thrive and as Friends of Reed School, we work together as a team to host events both big and small to ensure we can offer help where we can financially to enable our children to have access to as many opportunities as possible. We may be small, but we are mighty!If you feel you can help support FoRS in any way, please email, or contact Jade on 07557881071.