Reed is a small village and civil parish which sits on a chalk ridge at almost the highest point in Hertfordshire, approximately 3 miles south of the market town of Royston. Reed boasts a school, a village hall, the Saxon parish church of St. Mary, a cricket club and a 16th-century inn which is currently partially open as a restaurant and takeaway. More about Reed
The children’s playground on The Green has been closed since 23 January while new play equipment is installed. It’s expected to reopen during March with improved apparatus and even more fun on offer for local kids to enjoy.UPDATE: The equipment has been installed but has not yet been certified as safe and ready for use. Please do not attempt to get inside the safety fencing until the playground has been re-opened. This is expected to happen during March but we are not yet able to give a date.
North Herts Prosperity Fund grant towards Reed playground
Reed Parish Council is delighted to have been awarded a grant of £19,250 from North Herts Council’s Prosperity Fund towards the costs of renovating the playground on Reed Green.This is in addition to the £19,500 awarded by the National Lottery Community Fund a few weeks ago.Adding in funding from other sources, including Bonfire Night in 2023 and 2024, it means that around £40,000 is now available to advance the project. Reed Parish Council expects to place an order soon in the expectation that the project will be completed before next summer.
Bonfire night 2024: 2 November
Bonfire Night raised some £3,000 for playground refurbishment, the church and the school. Read more here
Nicholls Yard planning appeal dismissed
The appeal against refusal of planning permission to build on land at Nicholls Yard has been dismissed.Planning permission for the proposal, to erect three 2-bed, three 3-bed, and one 4-bed dwellings and create associated parking and vehicular access onto the highway, was originally refused in June 2023. Dismissing the appeal, HM Planning Inspector found that the proposed development would have a damaging effect on Reed Conservation Area, a designated heritage asset, and would harm the character and appearance of the local area.Reed Parish Council objected to the original proposal and to the appeal.
National Lottery Funding for playground on Reed Green
Reed Parish Council has been awarded £19,500 from the National Lottery towards the cost of replacement and refurbishment of the play equipment on the playground.This is obviously welcome news, and it’s great that Reed is now part of a family of fantastic organisations that are making communities across the UK better places to be.Thanks to National Lottery players, the Community Fund gives out more than £500 million to charities, community and voluntary groups each year. For our part we are very grateful!The award needs to be seen in the context of the cost of the project overall, which is significantly more - however it is a great contribution to the first phase of the project.Funding is also being sought from other sources, including North Herts Council. And, of course, private contributions towards the project would also be welcome. Feel free to contact us or speak to any member of the Parish Council.
Reed Parish Council has a domain
We’re pleased that our new domain,, has been approved. Councillors’ email addresses as well as the web site have moved over. Because of the availability of a grant, the change has been made at no cost to the council.
More information about the new organ and the events planned to mark its completion
What’s on in Reed?
Check the Village Calendarfor news of events taking place in Reed. You can also submit an event for inclusion in the calendar.
Reed online
As well as this web site, Reed has a public village Facebook page. Reed also has a lively community WhatsApp group which is open to Reed residents and those with a connection to the village. Send a text to 07909 524986 or email the webmaster to join. The Facebook page and WhatsApp group are administered by community volunteers, and the Parish Council is not responsible for their content.
Useful information
Visit our Useful Information page for a miscellany of details about key utilities, transport, recommended traders, health centres, the definitve footpaths map, and many other things.
How to get to Reed
By road: Reed is just off the A10, about 3 miles south of Royston, HertsBy train: The nearest station is Royston. Live train departures from RoystonGreat Northern RailBy bus:No 18 service operated by Richmonds Coaches operates between Royston and Buntingford, calling at Reed six times per day (four times on Saturday) in each direction, Monday to Saturdays only. From Buntingford you can connect with services to Hertford.The Herts Lynx on-demand bus service. Passengers can be picked up and dropped off at a vast number of locations within the free-floating zone, and book in real time or in advance via an app.By taxi: Various taxi services are available - for phone numbers try a Google search on Royston Taxis or Buntingford taxis. More numbers are available on our Useful Information page.
Check the Village Calendar for news of events taking place in Reed. You can also submit an event for inclusion in the calendar.
Reed online
As well as this web site, Reed has a public village Facebook page. Reed also has a lively community WhatsApp group which is open to Reed residents and those with a connection to the village. Send a text to 07909 524986 or email the webmaster to join. The Facebook page and WhatsApp group are administered by community volunteers, and the Parish Council is not responsible for their content.
Useful information
Visit our Useful Information page for a miscellany of details about key utilities, transport, recommended traders, health centres, the definitve footpaths map, and many other things.
How to get to Reed
By road: Reed is just off the A10, about 3 miles south of Royston, HertsBy train: The nearest station is Royston. Live train departures from RoystonGreat Northern RailBy bus:No 18 service operated by Richmonds Coaches operates between Royston and Buntingford, calling at Reed six times per day (four times on Saturday) in each direction, Monday to Saturdays only. From Buntingford you can connect with services to Hertford.The Herts Lynx on-demand bus service. Passengers can be picked up and dropped off at a vast number of locations within the free-floating zone, and book in real time or in advance via an app.By taxi: Various taxi services are available - for phone numbers try a Google search on Royston Taxisor Buntingford taxis. More numbers are available on our Useful Information page.
If you have ideas for features you would like to see on this website or have comments, news or updates, please email the webmaster.
Welcome to
A beautiful village in
Reed is a small village and civil parish which sits on a chalk ridge at almost the highest point in Hertfordshire, approximately 3 miles south of the market town of Royston. Reed boasts a school, a village hall, the Saxon parish church of St. Mary, a cricket club and a 16th-century inn which is currently partially open as a restaurant and takeaway. More about Reed
The children’s playground on The Green has been closed since 23 January while new play equipment is installed. It’s expected to reopen during March with improved apparatus and even more fun on offer for local kids to enjoy.UPDATE: The equipment has been installed but has not yet been certified as safe and ready for use. Please do not attempt to get inside the safety fencing until the playground has been re-opened. This is expected to happen during March but we are not yet able to give a date.
Reed Parish Council is delighted to have been awarded a grant of £19,250 from North Herts Council’s Prosperity Fund towards the costs of renovating the playground on Reed Green.This is in addition to the £19,500 awarded by the National Lottery Community Fund a few weeks ago.Adding in funding from other sources, including Bonfire Night in 2023 and 2024, it means that around £40,000 is now available to advance the project. Reed Parish Council expects to place an order soon in the expectation that the project will be completed before next summer.
Bonfire night 2024: 2 November
Bonfire Night raised some £3,000 for playground refurbishment, the church and the school. Read more here
Nicholls Yard planning appeal
The appeal against refusal of planning permission to build on land at Nicholls Yard has been dismissed.Planning permission for the proposal, to erect three 2-bed, three 3-bed, and one 4-bed dwellings and create associated parking and vehicular access onto the highway, was originally refused in June 2023. Dismissing the appeal, HM Planning Inspector found that the proposed development would have a damaging effect on Reed Conservation Area, a designated heritage asset, and would harm the character and appearance of the local area.Reed Parish Council objected to the original proposal and to the appeal.
National Lottery Funding for
playground on Reed Green
Reed Parish Council has been awarded £19,500 from the National Lottery towards the cost of replacement and refurbishment of the play equipment on the playground.This is obviously welcome news, and it’s great that Reed is now part of a family of fantastic organisations that are making communities across the UK better places to be.Thanks to National Lottery players, the Community Fund gives out more than £500 million to charities, community and voluntary groups each year. For our part we are very grateful!The award needs to be seen in the context of the cost of the project overall, which is significantly more - however it is a great contribution to the first phase of the project.Funding is also being sought from other sources, including North Herts Council. And, of course, private contributions towards the project would also be welcome. Feel free to contact us or speak to any member of the Parish Council.
Reed Parish Council has a
We’re pleased that our new domain,, has been approved. Councillors’ email addresses as well as the web site have moved over. Because of the availability of a grant, the change has been made at no cost to the council.