The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 20.12.2024Full Permission Householder : Installation of 2 no. free-standing air source heat pumps on side elevation and batteries on front elevation following removal of existing oil tank.Glebe House, Church Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AL - Case reference: 24/02582/FPH on all correspondence. Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 12th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts Web Site
Glebe House, Church Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 14.11.2024Full Planning Permission : Siting of solar panel array 30 x 500w panels (six rows).Glebe House, Church Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AL - Case reference: 24/02317/FP on all correspondence. Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 7th December North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts Website
1 Woodbine Cottages, High Street, Reed
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 10.10.2024Full Permission Householder : First floor side extension to include side elevation Juliet Balcony.1 Woodbine Cottages, High Street, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AH Case reference: 24/02121/FPH on all correspondence. Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 2nd November North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
Land Between Royston Road And, Cambridge Road,
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 06.09.2024Reserved Matters : Application for the approval of reserved matters comprising: details of the siting, design and external appearance of the development, and the landscaping of the site in respect of the approved outline planning permission ref: 18/01502/OP for the development of 140 dwellings and a new shop on the land between Royston Road and Cambridge Road, BarkwayCase Ref: 24/01883/RM Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 29th September North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Mill Corner Farm, Jackson’s Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 13.08.2024Full Permission Householder : Installation of electric gates and associated brick piers to existing vehicular access, including pedestrian side gate. Erection of timber clad shed with associated 1.8m high timber fencing and installation of gates to the area south of the gym.Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 24/01711/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 5th September North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Hatch Pen
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 13.06.2024Full Planning Permission : Erection of a biomass boiler including accumulator tank and chimney (Development already carried out).Hatch Pen, The Joint, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AZCase Ref No: 24/01163/FPAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 6th July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
7 Willow Close
The Parish Council has received for comment a copy of a planning application:Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear conservatiory.7 Willow Close, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8BACase Ref No: 24/01004/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 6 June North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts Web Site
Nicholls Yard, Crow Lane
The application below was refused on 16 June 2023 and the decision is now under appeal. The appeal reference is APP/X1925/W/23/3335318.The statement of appeal can be read on the North Herts planning website.Anyone wishing to comment on the appeal may do so via the HM Planning Inspectorate website. You need to click on “Search for an appeal” and create an account. The deadline is 8 April.Update 2 September 2024: The appeal has been dismissed. The decision notice can be read here._____________________The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 24.08.2022Erection of three 2-bed, three 3-bed, and one 4-bed dwellings and associated parking and formation of vehicular access onto the highway. | Nicholls Yard Crow Lane Reed Hertfordshire SG8 8BJCase ref: 22/02225/FPAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 16th September North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk to Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web siteResponse by Reed Parish CouncilSubmission by Reed Parish Council regarding appeal - April 2024
Land between Bush Wood and Rokey Wood
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a Section 73 application on 28.02.2024Section 73 Application : Rewording of Condition 9 (Excess imported material) imposed on planning application ref: 22/00910/FP granted on 17/10/2022 to:The reservoir shall be constructed from material already on site in accordance with the approved plans. No excess imported material not required in connection with the development material shall be removed from the site without full details of a disposal/reprofiling plan being submitted to and thereafter approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include a timetable of implementation for the proposed works. Such works shall thereafter be carried out in complete accordance with the approved details or particulars and in accordance with the agreed timetable unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.Reason: To ensure that any excess material imported onto the site is removed or dispersed appropriately following the completion of the development, in the interest of visual amenity.Amended description only.Land Between Bush Wood and Rokey Wood, High Street, Reed, Hertfordshire.Case Ref No: 23/02887/S73 Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 14th March North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts websiteSubmission by Reed Parish Council
Land To The East Of London Road, Reed, Hertfordshire
This application has been withdrawnThe Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 04.01.2024Full Planning Permission : Widening of existing agricultural access. Land To The East Of London Road, Reed, HertfordshireCase Ref: 23/02909/FP Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 27th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish Council(Note that the application has been incorrectly listed as “land to the west of London Road, although it in fact relates to land to the East of London Road.)NoticeNorth Herts web site
Reed Cricket Club
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 19.12.2023Full Planning Permission : Erection of enclosed outdoor cricket nets and associated resurfacing following demolition of existing outdoor cricket nets.Reed Cricket Club, Blacksmiths Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AXCase Ref No: 23/02847/FPAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 11th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts website
3 Hobbs Hayes, Blacksmiths Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 26.09.2023Full Permission Householder : Two storey side/rear extension including juliet balcony, single storey side and rear extensions following demolition of existing rear element. Insertion of solar panels to side roofslope and rooflights to front and rear roofslopes, erection of detached garage. Alterations to fenestration.3 Hobbs Hayes, Blacksmiths Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AUCase Ref No: 23/02032/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 19th October North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts website
Crabtree Cottage, Crow Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 01.08.2023Listed Building Consent : Single storey rear extensionCrabtree Cottage, Crow Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AECase Ref No: 23/01732/LBC(See also pending application below)Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 24th August North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts website
Land between Bush Wood and Rokey Wood
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application (Case ref 23/01667/S73) on 24.07.2023Section 73 Application : Remove Condition 6 (No demolition/development shall take place/commence until an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. The scheme shall include an assessment of archaeological significance and research questions; and:1. The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording 2. The programme for post investigation assessment3. Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation5. Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation6. Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation. B The demolition/development shall take place/commence in accordance with the programme of archaeological works set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A)C The development shall not be occupied/used until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A) and the provision made for analysis and publication where appropriate. Reason: To protect any archaeological finds on site.) of planning permission 22/00910/FP granted on 17.10.2022 for Retention of 11,936 cubic metres of soil to create an agricultural reservoir with the capacity of 5,500 cubic metres. Land Between Bush Wood And Rokey Wood, High Street, Reed, Hertfordshire,Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 16th August North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
3 Woodbine Cottages, High Street
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 18.07.2023Full Permission Householder : Replace existing front and rear elevation windows.3 Woodbine Cottages, High Street, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AHCase Ref No: 23/01635/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 10th August North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Crabtree Cottage, Crow Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 04.07.2023Full Permission Householder : Single storey rear extensionCrabtree Cottage, Crow Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 AECase Ref No: 23/00147/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 27th July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Mill Corner Farm
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 05.06.2023Full Permission Householder : Variation of 22/02565/FPH to form pitched roof over side extension and installation of 2 x rooflights (as amended by plans received on 21st June 2023). Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 23/01027/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 18 July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
2, The Kilns
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 22.03.2023Full Permission Householder : Single storey front extension.2 The Kilns, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EWCase Ref No: 23/00663/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 14th April North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts Web Site
Glebe House, Church Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 22.12.2022Full Permission Householder : Part single storey part two storey rear extension to include hip to gable roof extension, part single storey part two storey side extension and erection of detached single storey equipment/storage/outbuilding following removal of existing detached shed.Glebe House, Church Lane, Reed, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ALCase Ref No: 22/03262/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 14th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
Mill Corner Farm
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 08.12.2022Full Permission Householder : Erection of single storey front extension adjoining existing garage to provide home gym (as a resubmission of Development B of planning permission 22/02565/FPH which was refused on 15.11.2022)Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 22/03153/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 31st December 2022.NoticeNorth Herts Web site
Mill Corner Farm
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 05.10.2022Full Permission Householder : First floor side and single storey side extension including single storey extension adjoining existing garage to provide home gym and insertion of rear dormer window to facilitate conversion of loftspace into habitable accommodation (as a variation of planning permission 21/03003/FPH granted 17.12.2021)Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 22/02565/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 28th October North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
Land between Royston Road and Cambridge Road,
Barkway (“BK3”)
Outline permission for up to 140 dwellingsReed Parish Council has been asked whether it wishes to comment on this proposed application, originally made in 2018, on a site known as “BK3”. Public comments are sought by North Herts Council until 31 July 2022.Consultation letterNorth Herts web siteResponse from Reed Parish Council
Maycroft, Blacksmiths Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 23.06.2022Full Permission Householder : Two storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear conservatory.Maycroft, Blacksmiths Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AUCase Ref No: 22/01669/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 16th July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Land between Bush Wood and Rokey Wood
An application has been made for planning permission for retention of 5,500 cubic metres of inert soils for an engineering operation to create an agricultural reservoir.Case reference 22/00910/FPSee the application on the North Herts web site
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 20.12.2024Full Permission Householder : Installation of 2 no. free-standing air source heat pumps on side elevation and batteries on front elevation following removal of existing oil tank.Glebe House, Church Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AL - Case reference: 24/02582/FPH on all correspondence. Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 12th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts Web Site
Glebe House, Church Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 14.11.2024Full Planning Permission : Siting of solar panel array 30 x 500w panels (six rows).Glebe House, Church Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AL - Case reference: 24/02317/FP on all correspondence. Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 7th December North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts Website
1 Woodbine Cottages, High Street, Reed
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 10.10.2024Full Permission Householder : First floor side extension to include side elevation Juliet Balcony.1 Woodbine Cottages, High Street, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AH Case reference: 24/02121/FPH on all correspondence. Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 2nd November North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
Land Between Royston Road And,
Cambridge Road, Barkway
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 06.09.2024Reserved Matters : Application for the approval of reserved matters comprising: details of the siting, design and external appearance of the development, and the landscaping of the site in respect of the approved outline planning permission ref: 18/01502/OP for the development of 140 dwellings and a new shop on the land between Royston Road and Cambridge Road, BarkwayCase Ref: 24/01883/RM Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 29th September North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Mill Corner Farm, Jackson’s Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 13.08.2024Full Permission Householder : Installation of electric gates and associated brick piers to existing vehicular access, including pedestrian side gate. Erection of timber clad shed with associated 1.8m high timber fencing and installation of gates to the area south of the gym.Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 24/01711/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 5th September North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Hatch Pen
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 13.06.2024Full Planning Permission : Erection of a biomass boiler including accumulator tank and chimney (Development already carried out).Hatch Pen, The Joint, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AZCase Ref No: 24/01163/FPAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 6th July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
7 Willow Close
The Parish Council has received for comment a copy of a planning application:Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear conservatiory.7 Willow Close, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8BACase Ref No: 24/01004/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 6 June North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts Web Site
Nicholls Yard, Crow Lane
The application below was refused on 16 June 2023 and the decision is now under appeal. The appeal reference is APP/X1925/W/23/3335318.The statement of appeal can be read on the North Herts planning website.Anyone wishing to comment on the appeal may do so via the HM Planning Inspectorate website. You need to click on “Search for an appeal” and create an account. The deadline is 8 April.Update 2 September 2024: The appeal has been dismissed. The decision notice can be read here._____________________The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 24.08.2022Erection of three 2-bed, three 3-bed, and one 4-bed dwellings and associated parking and formation of vehicular access onto the highway. | Nicholls Yard Crow Lane Reed Hertfordshire SG8 8BJCase ref: 22/02225/FPAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 16th September North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk to Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web siteResponse by Reed Parish CouncilSubmission by Reed Parish Council regarding appeal - April 2024
Land between Bush Wood and Rokey
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a Section 73 application on 28.02.2024Section 73 Application : Rewording of Condition 9 (Excess imported material) imposed on planning application ref: 22/00910/FP granted on 17/10/2022 to:The reservoir shall be constructed from material already on site in accordance with the approved plans. No excess imported material not required in connection with the development material shall be removed from the site without full details of a disposal/reprofiling plan being submitted to and thereafter approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include a timetable of implementation for the proposed works. Such works shall thereafter be carried out in complete accordance with the approved details or particulars and in accordance with the agreed timetable unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.Reason: To ensure that any excess material imported onto the site is removed or dispersed appropriately following the completion of the development, in the interest of visual amenity.Amended description only.Land Between Bush Wood and Rokey Wood, High Street, Reed, Hertfordshire.Case Ref No: 23/02887/S73 Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 14th March North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts websiteSubmission by Reed Parish Council
Land To The East Of London Road, Reed,
This application has been withdrawnThe Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 04.01.2024Full Planning Permission : Widening of existing agricultural access. Land To The East Of London Road, Reed, HertfordshireCase Ref: 23/02909/FP Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 27th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish Council(Note that the application has been incorrectly listed as “land to the west of London Road, although it in fact relates to land to the East of London Road.)NoticeNorth Herts web site
Reed Cricket Club
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 19.12.2023Full Planning Permission : Erection of enclosed outdoor cricket nets and associated resurfacing following demolition of existing outdoor cricket nets.Reed Cricket Club, Blacksmiths Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AXCase Ref No: 23/02847/FPAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 11th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts website
3 Hobbs Hayes, Blacksmiths Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 26.09.2023Full Permission Householder : Two storey side/rear extension including juliet balcony, single storey side and rear extensions following demolition of existing rear element. Insertion of solar panels to side roofslope and rooflights to front and rear roofslopes, erection of detached garage. Alterations to fenestration.3 Hobbs Hayes, Blacksmiths Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AUCase Ref No: 23/02032/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 19th October North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts website
Crabtree Cottage, Crow Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 01.08.2023Listed Building Consent : Single storey rear extensionCrabtree Cottage, Crow Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AECase Ref No: 23/01732/LBC(See also pending application below)Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 24th August North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts website
Land between Bush Wood and Rokey
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application (Case ref 23/01667/S73) on 24.07.2023Section 73 Application : Remove Condition 6 (No demolition/development shall take place/commence until an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. The scheme shall include an assessment of archaeological significance and research questions; and:1. The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording 2. The programme for post investigation assessment3. Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation5. Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation6. Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation. B The demolition/development shall take place/commence in accordance with the programme of archaeological works set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A)C The development shall not be occupied/used until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition (A) and the provision made for analysis and publication where appropriate. Reason: To protect any archaeological finds on site.) of planning permission 22/00910/FP granted on 17.10.2022 for Retention of 11,936 cubic metres of soil to create an agricultural reservoir with the capacity of 5,500 cubic metres. Land Between Bush Wood And Rokey Wood, High Street, Reed, Hertfordshire,Any members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 16th August North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
3 Woodbine Cottages, High Street
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 18.07.2023Full Permission Householder : Replace existing front and rear elevation windows.3 Woodbine Cottages, High Street, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AHCase Ref No: 23/01635/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 10th August North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Crabtree Cottage, Crow Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 04.07.2023Full Permission Householder : Single storey rear extensionCrabtree Cottage, Crow Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 AECase Ref No: 23/00147/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 27th July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Mill Corner Farm
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 05.06.2023Full Permission Householder : Variation of 22/02565/FPH to form pitched roof over side extension and installation of 2 x rooflights (as amended by plans received on 21st June 2023). Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 23/01027/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 18 July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
2, The Kilns
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 22.03.2023Full Permission Householder : Single storey front extension.2 The Kilns, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EWCase Ref No: 23/00663/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 14th April North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts Web Site
Glebe House, Church Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 22.12.2022Full Permission Householder : Part single storey part two storey rear extension to include hip to gable roof extension, part single storey part two storey side extension and erection of detached single storey equipment/storage/outbuilding following removal of existing detached shed.Glebe House, Church Lane, Reed, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ALCase Ref No: 22/03262/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 14th January North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
Mill Corner Farm
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 08.12.2022Full Permission Householder : Erection of single storey front extension adjoining existing garage to provide home gym (as a resubmission of Development B of planning permission 22/02565/FPH which was refused on 15.11.2022)Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 22/03153/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 31st December 2022.NoticeNorth Herts Web site
Mill Corner Farm
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 05.10.2022Full Permission Householder : First floor side and single storey side extension including single storey extension adjoining existing garage to provide home gym and insertion of rear dormer window to facilitate conversion of loftspace into habitable accommodation (as a variation of planning permission 21/03003/FPH granted 17.12.2021)Mill Corner Farm, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ABCase Ref No: 22/02565/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 28th October North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116NoticeNorth Herts web site
Land between Royston Road and
Cambridge Road, Barkway (“BK3”)
Outline permission for up to 140 dwellingsReed Parish Council has been asked whether it wishes to comment on this proposed application, originally made in 2018, on a site known as “BK3”. Public comments are sought by North Herts Council until 31 July 2022.Consultation letterNorth Herts web siteResponse from Reed Parish Council
Maycroft, Blacksmiths Lane
The Parish Council received for comment a copy of a planning application on 23.06.2022Full Permission Householder : Two storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear conservatory.Maycroft, Blacksmiths Lane, Reed, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AUCase Ref No: 22/01669/FPHAny members of the Parish who wish to inspect the plans may do so up until the 16th July North Hertfordshire District Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3JF (Tel 01462 474000) Between the hours of: 09:00-17:30Or the Clerk to the Parish Council, Catharine Toms, can arrange for a copy to be made available. Please phone: 07763 167116Clerk Reed Parish CouncilNoticeNorth Herts web site
Land between Bush Wood and Rokey
An application has been made for planning permission for retention of 5,500 cubic metres of inert soils for an engineering operation to create an agricultural reservoir.Case reference 22/00910/FPSee the application on the North Herts web site