© Reed Parish Council 2025 Website Accessibility Statement
Reed Village
The website of Reed Parish Council

Playground survey 2022

Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey about the village playground carried out in August and September 2022. The results are summarised below. Reed Parish Council is seeking the views of residents and users of the Green about the future of the play area. Situated at the Church Lane end of the Green, the play area is well used throughout the year. However, all play apparatus has a limited lifespan and the Parish Council needs to make plans for its renovation or replacement— most likely progressively over the next 5 to 10 years. This survey was an opportunity for local people and children to be involved in refurbishment plans for the play area. The Parish Council will consider next steps in the light of the responses. 40 online responses and 23 written ones were received. Q1 Age (if you are a child) 20 children aged from 4 – 13 41 adults 2 unknown Q2 Where do you live? Reed 30 48% Barkway 7 11% Therfield 3 5% Royston 9 14% Buntingford 5 8% Cottred 1 2% Furneaux Pelham 2 3% Kelshall 1 2% Chipping 1 2% Bishop Stortford 2 3% Not answered 2 3% Q3 Do you use the play area? Yes 55 87% No 8 13% If not, why? Don’t have children 2 Children too old, loved when small 3 Children too young 1 Q4 Do you feel safe? Yes 44 69% No 3 5% Usually 10 16% n/a 6 10% Comments: It is quite easy for children to run onto the road No gates Climbing frames could be safer Equipment a bit old and definitely needs renovation Some of the equipment is missing I liked the climbing tyres There is some broken things now like the tyres. Q5 How often do you use the equipment? Every day 0 2 -3 times a week 18 Once a week 15 Few times a month 18 Rarely 3 Never 3 Not answered 6 Q6 Who uses the play area? Own children 45 Grandchildren 6 Friends/visitors 15 n/a 2 not answered 8 Q7 Play area equipment Some of the playground equipment is nearing the end of its life and may need to be replaced. We would therefore like to know which pieces of existing equipment you most value. Please tick “keep” or “change” against all the equipment in the list opposite. By “keep”, we mean either keep the equipment in question or make a like-for-like replacement. By “change” we mean that something else might be substituted for it when it is no longer useable. Q8 Picnic bench use Often 26 Sometimes 24 Never 11 Not answered 2 Q 9 What, if anything, would you like to see changed in the play area? a) Different or additional play equipment 9b) surfacing 29 respondents said grass was fine 9 respondents suggested soft rubber surfacing as at Royston play area 13 respondents suggested a hard surface under the basketball net. Comments included: I love hiding in the long grass if we keep the basket ball net it would be great to have a better surface. It is hard to access in the first place. And has very uneven ground that is particularly challenging for people with additional needs. It is very uneven at the moment for a pushchair it needs to be levelled at the very least I like the grass, feels more like a park & great for picnics Under the slide and zip wire it would be better to have a soft surface and under the basketball net it would be better to have hardstanding. Matting under the equipment which is high and falls could be dangerous. Grass is in keeping with the green and perfectly adequate Grass is ok but the steep slope at entrance is difficult with buggies/wheelchairs 9c) Anything else? Basketball court Benches for rain Needs a safety gate fence Would not mind fence around with a little gate if not too expensive and won't interrupt the amount of new equipments. More equipment It’s a lovely park but an update would be great. Barkway recently put a larger play climbing frame in which was meant for older children but those that use it lots can from 3/4+ years. It is a little close to the bushes so a good trim and new equipment would be lovely. The children like the net swings, large things to climb on and a disabled swing or similar would attract more people Please keep this alive. I see this as a real asset to the community Adequate fencing and a gate around the park to prevent dogs from entering and also to keep the children contained and safe from traffic/strangers. Access to the park isn’t great from the road or the cricket pitch The zip wire, bucket green swing and the basketball hoop are hot favourites in our household. A fantastic park & one which we should look after & update to ensure its just as good in the future It would be better if some of the grass on the approach to the playground could be cut shorter/more frequently as if you’re crossing the green to get to the playground it can be difficult to get through the long grass Q10 Other comments It would be nice to have outdoor gym equipment so families could use the area together, and those without children could also make use of the area. The spikey conkers hurt you if you fall over when they are all over the floor and on the bench. Please choose swings that are not hard to push and also that are high enough with a safe seat/harness. It's an excellent facility to have in the village and many of our visitors appreciate it. In generally I find it a lovely park and it’s a nice place to be with the children We love our little playground. Things for older children as well as young The park is lovely and used lots after our cricket sessions. More climbing for older ones would be good and a slash area would be amazing - even the small one at Royston is so well used - so similar would be ideal This is a real asset to our community High quality equipment is the priority and if this means less equipment than before, then so be it. It’s a lovely park, with no visible graffiti and is well used by local children, grandchildren of local residents and visitors, particularly during cricket matches/practice it definitely enhances the village. It Is a lovely, well maintained park and a great asset for the village. Proper climbing frame Football goal, climbing wall, mini golf, rope climbing, water fountain splash park, toilet Taller climbing equipment. We use it at weekend more in half terms From my years of grass cutting and watching children on the play equipment it would seem that the seesaw, zip wire and social swing are the most popular. Some people have requested a hard surface by the basketball net which we feel is inappropriate in the village green Excellent facility keep at all costs, thank you to all involved in the upkeep Perhaps a miniature football net? and small trampoline? Used play area frequently when grandchildren were younger, all too old now! If you would like to know more or respond to any of the questions above, please email barbara.blower@reedparishcouncil.gov.uk or ask any of the Parish Councillors.
Photo of Cartwash Pond Photo of Pitties Pond
Not answered
Main slide
Junior swings
Infant swing
Zip wire
Tyre swing
Basket swing
See saw
Basketball net
Activity trail
Junior multiplay
Hard standing for basketball
Workout equipment
Upgrade activity trail
Climbing frame with monkey bars
Better/more baby swings
Splash park
Sand pit
More/upgrade swings
Tarmac area for bikes
Additional needs equipment
Football goals
Upgrade tyre swing
Refurbish zip wire
Skateboard area
Bouncy toys with springs
Climbing treehouse/fort on different levels
Jeep or car to drive
Trampoline in ground
Remove see saw
Wheelchair friendly
More/new things to play on
© Reed Parish Council 2024 Website Accessibility Statement
Reed Village
The website of Reed Parish Council

Playground survey


Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey about the village playground carried out in August and September 2022. The results are summarised below. Reed Parish Council is seeking the views of residents and users of the Green about the future of the play area. Situated at the Church Lane end of the Green, the play area is well used throughout the year. However, all play apparatus has a limited lifespan and the Parish Council needs to make plans for its renovation or replacement— most likely progressively over the next 5 to 10 years. This survey was an opportunity for local people and children to be involved in refurbishment plans for the play area. The Parish Council will consider next steps in the light of the responses. 40 online responses and 23 written ones were received. Q1 Age (if you are a child) 20 children aged from 4 – 13 41 adults 2 unknown Q2 Where do you live? Reed 30 48% Barkway 7 11% Therfield 3 5% Royston 9 14% Buntingford 5 8% Cottred 1 2% Furneaux Pelham 2 3% Kelshall 1 2% Chipping 1 2% Bishop Stortford 2 3% Not answered 2 3% Q3 Do you use the play area? Yes 55 87% No 8 13% If not, why? Don’t have children 2 Children too old, loved when small 3 Children too young 1 Q4 Do you feel safe? Yes 44 69% No 3 5% Usually 10 16% n/a 6 10% Comments: It is quite easy for children to run onto the road No gates Climbing frames could be safer Equipment a bit old and definitely needs renovation Some of the equipment is missing I liked the climbing tyres There is some broken things now like the tyres. Q5 How often do you use the equipment? Every day 0 2 -3 times a week 18 Once a week 15 Few times a month 18 Rarely 3 Never 3 Not answered 6 Q6 Who uses the play area? Own children 45 Grandchildren 6 Friends/visitors 15 n/a 2 not answered 8 Q7 Play area equipment Some of the playground equipment is nearing the end of its life and may need to be replaced. We would therefore like to know which pieces of existing equipment you most value. Please tick “keep” or “change” against all the equipment in the list opposite. By “keep”, we mean either keep the equipment in question or make a like-for-like replacement. By “change” we mean that something else might be substituted for it when it is no longer useable. Q8 Picnic bench use Often 26 Sometimes 24 Never 11 Not answered 2 Q 9 What, if anything, would you like to see changed in the play area? a) Different or additional play equipment 9b) surfacing 29 respondents said grass was fine 9 respondents suggested soft rubber surfacing as at Royston play area 13 respondents suggested a hard surface under the basketball net. Comments included: I love hiding in the long grass if we keep the basket ball net it would be great to have a better surface. It is hard to access in the first place. And has very uneven ground that is particularly challenging for people with additional needs. It is very uneven at the moment for a pushchair it needs to be levelled at the very least I like the grass, feels more like a park & great for picnics Under the slide and zip wire it would be better to have a soft surface and under the basketball net it would be better to have hardstanding. Matting under the equipment which is high and falls could be dangerous. Grass is in keeping with the green and perfectly adequate Grass is ok but the steep slope at entrance is difficult with buggies/wheelchairs 9c) Anything else? Basketball court Benches for rain Needs a safety gate fence Would not mind fence around with a little gate if not too expensive and won't interrupt the amount of new equipments. More equipment It’s a lovely park but an update would be great. Barkway recently put a larger play climbing frame in which was meant for older children but those that use it lots can from 3/4+ years. It is a little close to the bushes so a good trim and new equipment would be lovely. The children like the net swings, large things to climb on and a disabled swing or similar would attract more people Please keep this alive. I see this as a real asset to the community Adequate fencing and a gate around the park to prevent dogs from entering and also to keep the children contained and safe from traffic/strangers. Access to the park isn’t great from the road or the cricket pitch The zip wire, bucket green swing and the basketball hoop are hot favourites in our household. A fantastic park & one which we should look after & update to ensure its just as good in the future It would be better if some of the grass on the approach to the playground could be cut shorter/more frequently as if you’re crossing the green to get to the playground it can be difficult to get through the long grass Q10 Other comments It would be nice to have outdoor gym equipment so families could use the area together, and those without children could also make use of the area. The spikey conkers hurt you if you fall over when they are all over the floor and on the bench. Please choose swings that are not hard to push and also that are high enough with a safe seat/harness. It's an excellent facility to have in the village and many of our visitors appreciate it. In generally I find it a lovely park and it’s a nice place to be with the children We love our little playground. Things for older children as well as young The park is lovely and used lots after our cricket sessions. More climbing for older ones would be good and a slash area would be amazing - even the small one at Royston is so well used - so similar would be ideal This is a real asset to our community High quality equipment is the priority and if this means less equipment than before, then so be it. It’s a lovely park, with no visible graffiti and is well used by local children, grandchildren of local residents and visitors, particularly during cricket matches/practice it definitely enhances the village. It Is a lovely, well maintained park and a great asset for the village. Proper climbing frame Football goal, climbing wall, mini golf, rope climbing, water fountain splash park, toilet Taller climbing equipment. We use it at weekend more in half terms From my years of grass cutting and watching children on the play equipment it would seem that the seesaw, zip wire and social swing are the most popular. Some people have requested a hard surface by the basketball net which we feel is inappropriate in the village green Excellent facility keep at all costs, thank you to all involved in the upkeep Perhaps a miniature football net? and small trampoline? Used play area frequently when grandchildren were younger, all too old now! If you would like to know more or respond to any of the questions above, please email barbara.blower@reedparishcouncil.gov.uk or ask any of the Parish Councillors.
Wheelchair friendly
More/new things to play on
Trampoline in ground
Remove see saw
Climbing treehouse/fort on different levels
Jeep or car to drive
Skateboard area
Bouncy toys with springs
Upgrade tyre swing
Refurbish zip wire
Additional needs equipment
Football goals
More/upgrade swings
Tarmac area for bikes
Splash park
Sand pit
Climbing frame with monkey bars
Better/more baby swings
Upgrade activity trail
Hard standing for basketball
Workout equipment
Junior multiplay
Activity trail
Basketball net
See saw
Basket swing
Tyre swing
Zip wire
Infant swing
Junior swings
Main slide
Not answered
Photo of Pitties Pond Photo of Cartwash Pond