© Reed Parish Council 2025 Website Accessibility Statement
Reed Village
The website of Reed Parish Council

Useful Numbers and Information


Call 999 in an emergency where there is a danger to life or a crime is in progress. Call 101 for non-emergencies where police attendance is required, to report a crime or to report any other incidents. Alternatively, visit www.herts.police.uk/contact to report a non-emergency crime online or chat to a police operator live via their web chat service. Police Community Support Officer: Chris Brabrook 01438 757935 chris.brabrook@herts.pnn.police.uk


Call 999 in a medical emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk. Call 999 immediately if you or someone else is having a heart attack or stroke. Every second counts with these conditions. Also call 999 if you think someone has had a major trauma, such as after a serious road traffic accident, a stabbing, a shooting, a fall from height, or a serious head injury. If you're not sure what to do NHS 111 online can help if you need urgent medical help or if you're not sure what to do. They will ask questions about your symptoms so you get the help you need. If you need to go to A&E, NHS 111 will book an arrival time. This might mean you spend less time in A&E. This also helps with social distancing. You can get help from 111.nhs.uk or call 111. It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


In an emergency, call 999. Always call 999 if there is immediate danger. Firefighters are available at Royston fire station 24 hours a day. In a non-emergency - call the Fire Station on 01763 822100 If you can't get through to the station and your enquiry/query is urgent, please contact the district office on 01438 847390. You can request a Fire Safety Home Visit online.

Power Cuts

Call 105 to report a power cut. More information


Affinity Water Emergency line (if you have no water or have seen a burst water main) 0345 357 2407 (24 hours) Water pressure (including WhatsApp details)

Recommended Traders

We have started to make a list of traders (plumbers, electricians, others) who have been recommended from time to time on the village WhatsApp group. The Parish Council is not responsible for these recommendations and you follow them at your own risk. You are welcome to add your own recommendations, if you wish, on the WhatsApp group. Recommended traders


North Hertfordshire District Council : 01462 474000 http://www.north-herts.gov.uk/ Hertfordshire County Council : 0300 123 4040 www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/ Hertfordshire Highways: Road Faults, Potholes etc: click here.


Definitive map of Public Rights of Way (includes footpaths, bridleways etc) published by Herts County Council Follow the Countryside Code

Health centres

Granta Medical Practice (covering Barley Surgery, Market Hill etc) 0300 234 5555 Royston Health Centre 01763 242981 Buntingford and Puckeridge Medical Practice 01763 271362

Neighbourhood Watch

Online Watch Link (OWL)

Trains and Buses

Live train departures from Royston Great Northern National Rail Enquiries 03457 484950 Bus no 18 timetable (serves Royston and Buntingford calling at Reed) Herts Lynx on demand bus service


A-Plus Taxis 01763 777877 www.aplustaxiserviceroyston.com/ Royston Taxis 01763 250811 https://royston-taxis.ueniweb.com/ Barley Taxis 07496 433238 https://barley-taxis.ueniweb.com/ Riverside Taxis (Buntingford) 01763 434343 www.riversidetaxis.co.uk Eurocabs https://eurocabs.uk/ (and via their app) New services are openiong up all the time, so well worth a search on the web. We understand that Butler-Meltax, which served the area for many years, is no longer operating.

Recycling Centres

Royston: Opening hours: Saturday-Wednesday 8am-4pm. Closed Thursday-Friday. Website (including queue times and webcam) Buntingford: Unfortunately the recycling centre at Aspenden, near Buntingford, is now permanently closed.

Citizens’ Advice Bureau

The Citizens’ Advice Bureau provides free and confidential advice on almost everything. They’re well known for being able to give specialist debt and benefits advice, but can also advise on a wide range of issues in the areas of housing, employment, family matters, consumer problems, energy bills, and more. They are an independent local charity. Call 0800 144 88 48 Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm Email via northhertscab.org.uk/contact-us/

Home Library Service

Hertfordshire Libraries operates a home library service for people who are unable to get to the library, for example because to have a physical disability or mental health condition, are frail, are registered blind, or if you are a carer looking after somebody and your caring responsibilities prevent you getting to the library. The service also offers a Reading Friends Scheme. If you or anyone you know are eligible for this service they can call 0300 123 4049 or follow the link below. More information and how to apply for the home library service Could you volunteer for the home library service?

Other useful numbers, contacts and information

Barley Stores 01763 848288 The Diary Lucy Schonberger thediaryherts@gmail.com .
Hertfordshire Police logo
Illustration of ambulance
Image by mvolz on Pixabay
Illustration of fire engine
Image by thejakesmith from Pixabay
View over field looking towards Bush Wood
Tap graphic Tap graphic
Public Footpath signpost
Taxi graphic Taxi graphic
Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon
UK Power Networks logo
© Reed Parish Council 2024 Website Accessibility Statement
Reed Village
The website of Reed Parish Council

Useful Numbers

and Information


Call 999 in an emergency where there is a danger to life or a crime is in progress. Call 101 for non-emergencies where police attendance is required, to report a crime or to report any other incidents. Alternatively, visit www.herts.police.uk/contact to report a non-emergency crime online or chat to a police operator live via their web chat service. Police Community Support Officer: Chris Brabrook 01438 757935 chris.brabrook@herts.pnn.police.uk


Call 999 in a medical emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk. Call 999 immediately if you or someone else is having a heart attack or stroke. Every second counts with these conditions. Also call 999 if you think someone has had a major trauma, such as after a serious road traffic accident, a stabbing, a shooting, a fall from height, or a serious head injury. If you're not sure what to do NHS 111 online can help if you need urgent medical help or if you're not sure what to do. They will ask questions about your symptoms so you get the help you need. If you need to go to A&E, NHS 111 will book an arrival time. This might mean you spend less time in A&E. This also helps with social distancing. You can get help from 111.nhs.uk or call 111. It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


In an emergency, call 999. Always call 999 if there is immediate danger. Firefighters are available at Royston fire station 24 hours a day. In a non-emergency - call the Fire Station on 01763 822100 If you can't get through to the station and your enquiry/query is urgent, please contact the district office on 01438 847390. You can request a Fire Safety Home Visit online.

Power Cuts

Call 105 to report a power cut. More information


Affinity Water Emergency line (if you have no water or have seen a burst water main) 0345 357 2407 (24 hours) Water pressure (including WhatsApp details)

Recommended Traders

We have started to make a list of traders (plumbers, electricians, others) who have been recommended from time to time on the village WhatsApp group. The Parish Council is not responsible for these recommendations and you follow them at your own risk. You are welcome to add your own recommendations, if you wish, on the WhatsApp group. Recommended traders


North Hertfordshire District Council : 01462 474000 http://www.north-herts.gov.uk/ Hertfordshire County Council : 0300 123 4040 www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/ Hertfordshire Highways: Road Faults, Potholes etc: click here.


Definitive map of Public Rights of Way (includes footpaths, bridleways etc) published by Herts County Council Follow the Countryside Code

Health centres

Granta Medical Practice (covering Barley Surgery, Market Hill etc) 0300 234 5555 Royston Health Centre 01763 242981 Buntingford and Puckeridge Medical Practice 01763 271362

Neighbourhood Watch

Online Watch Link (OWL)

Trains and Buses

Live train departures from Royston Great Northern National Rail Enquiries 03457 484950 Bus no 18 timetable (serves Royston and Buntingford calling at Reed) Herts Lynx on demand bus service


A-Plus Taxis 01763 777877 www.aplustaxiserviceroyston.com/ Royston Taxis 01763 250811 https://royston- taxis.ueniweb.com/ Barley Taxis 07496 433238 https://barley- taxis.ueniweb.com/ Riverside Taxis (Buntingford) 01763 434343 www.riversidetaxis.co.uk Eurocabs https://eurocabs.uk/ (and via their app) New services are openiong up all the time, so well worth a search on the web. We understand that Butler-Meltax, which served the area for many years, is no longer operating.

Recycling Centres

Royston: Opening hours: Saturday- Wednesday 8am-4pm. Closed Thursday- Friday. Website (including queue times and webcam) Buntingford: Unfortunately the recycling centre at Aspenden, near Buntingford, is now permanently closed.

Citizens’ Advice Bureau

The Citizens’ Advice Bureau provides free and confidential advice on almost everything. They’re well known for being able to give specialist debt and benefits advice, but can also advise on a wide range of issues in the areas of housing, employment, family matters, consumer problems, energy bills, and more. They are an independent local charity. Call 0800 144 88 48 Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm Email via northhertscab.org.uk/contact-us/

Home Library


Hertfordshire Libraries operates a home library service for people who are unable to get to the library, for example because to have a physical disability or mental health condition, are frail, are registered blind, or if you are a carer looking after somebody and your caring responsibilities prevent you getting to the library. The service also offers a Reading Friends Scheme. If you or anyone you know are eligible for this service they can call 0300 123 4049 or follow the link below. More information and how to apply for the home library service Could you volunteer for the home library service?

Other useful numbers,

contacts and information

Barley Stores 01763 848288 The Diary Lucy Schonberger thediaryherts@gmail.com .
Hertfordshire Police logo
Illustration of ambulance
Illustration of fire engine
UK Power Networks logo
Tap graphic Tap graphic
Public Footpath signpost
Taxi graphic Taxi graphic
Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon Recycling icon